Layton Christian Eagles
Utah High School Football Scores


Historical and current won-loss records by seasons,
opponents, conferences, and decades as well as
individual game results, future schedules, and a variety
of analytical trends. Go Eagles!
Utah high school football Layton Christian Eagles pro football college football



Layton Christian Eagles
Current Schedule & Historical Game Results

F   game forfeited
C   game cancelled
?   score unknown





Layton Christian Eagles
Annual Won/Loss Records

*   winning% >= 50%
P   playoff appearance





Layton Christian Eagles
Data Analytics

Winning Percentage By Year Bar Chart



Point Differential By Year Bar Chart



Winning Percentage vs. Point Differential Scatter Chart



Team Performance Gauges



Winning Percentage By Year Histogram





Layton Christian Eagles
Opponent Records Sorted By Games Played

Duchesne 21 2-19 .095
Milford 17 8-9 .471
Monticello 16 6-10 .375
Randolph Rich 16 5-11 .312
Altamont 14 7-7 .500
Coalville North Summit 11 5-6 .455
Parowan 11 3-8 .273
Kanab 9 4-5 .444
Spanish Fork American Leadership 9 5-4 .556 *
Gunnison Valley 8 4-4 .500
Enterprise 6 2-4 .333
Kamas South Summit 6 1-5 .167 *
Bluffdale Summit 5 3-2 .600 *
Montezuma Creek Whitehorse 5 5-0 1.000
Salina North Sevier 5 3-2 .600
Salt Lake City Judge Memorial 5 4-1 .800 *
West Wendover (NV) 5 5-0 1.000
Dayton (ID) West Side 4 1-3 .250
Herriman Providence Hall 4 3-1 .750 *
Hurricane Diamond Ranch 4 1-3 .250
Ely (NV) White Pine 3 3-0 1.000
Beaver 2 0-2 .000
Bicknell Wayne 2 2-0 1.000
Blanding San Juan 2 0-2 .000
Draper Juan Diego 2 1-1 .500
Fillmore Millard 2 0-2 .000
Las Vegas (NV) Mountain View Christian 2 2-0 1.000
Mesquite (NV) Virgin Valley 2 0-2 .000
Monument Valley 2 1-1 .500
Ogden Ben Lomond 2 2-0 1.000
Vernal Uintah 2 0-2 .000
Arimo (ID) Marsh Valley 1 0-1 .000
Las Vegas (NV) Agassi Prep 1 1-0 1.000
Morgan 1 0-1 .000
Mt. Pleasant North Sanpete 1 0-1 .000
Nephi Juab 1 1-0 1.000
Ogden 1 0-1 .000
Price Carbon 1 0-1 .000
Salt Lake City Brighton 1 0-1 .000
Salt Lake City East 1 0-1 .000
Salt Lake City Granite 1 0-1 .000
San Lorenzo Valley (CA) 1 1-0 1.000
Sugar City (ID) Sugar-Salem 1 0-1 .000
Temecula (CA) Rancho Christian 1 0-1 .000
Yuma (AZ) Cibola 1 1-0 1.000
TOTALS 92-126 .422
*   current conference member



Layton Christian Eagles
Opponent Records Sorted Alphabetically By Opponent

Altamont 14 7-7 .500
Arimo (ID) Marsh Valley 1 0-1 .000
Beaver 2 0-2 .000
Bicknell Wayne 2 2-0 1.000
Blanding San Juan 2 0-2 .000
Bluffdale Summit 5 3-2 .600 *
Coalville North Summit 11 5-6 .455
Dayton (ID) West Side 4 1-3 .250
Draper Juan Diego 2 1-1 .500
Duchesne 21 2-19 .095
Ely (NV) White Pine 3 3-0 1.000
Enterprise 6 2-4 .333
Fillmore Millard 2 0-2 .000
Gunnison Valley 8 4-4 .500
Herriman Providence Hall 4 3-1 .750 *
Hurricane Diamond Ranch 4 1-3 .250
Kamas South Summit 6 1-5 .167 *
Kanab 9 4-5 .444
Las Vegas (NV) Agassi Prep 1 1-0 1.000
Las Vegas (NV) Mountain View Christian 2 2-0 1.000
Mesquite (NV) Virgin Valley 2 0-2 .000
Milford 17 8-9 .471
Montezuma Creek Whitehorse 5 5-0 1.000
Monticello 16 6-10 .375
Monument Valley 2 1-1 .500
Morgan 1 0-1 .000
Mt. Pleasant North Sanpete 1 0-1 .000
Nephi Juab 1 1-0 1.000
Ogden 1 0-1 .000
Ogden Ben Lomond 2 2-0 1.000
Parowan 11 3-8 .273
Price Carbon 1 0-1 .000
Randolph Rich 16 5-11 .312
Salina North Sevier 5 3-2 .600
Salt Lake City Brighton 1 0-1 .000
Salt Lake City East 1 0-1 .000
Salt Lake City Granite 1 0-1 .000
Salt Lake City Judge Memorial 5 4-1 .800 *
San Lorenzo Valley (CA) 1 1-0 1.000
Spanish Fork American Leadership 9 5-4 .556 *
Sugar City (ID) Sugar-Salem 1 0-1 .000
Temecula (CA) Rancho Christian 1 0-1 .000
Vernal Uintah 2 0-2 .000
West Wendover (NV) 5 5-0 1.000
Yuma (AZ) Cibola 1 1-0 1.000
TOTALS 92-126 .422
*   current conference member





Layton Christian Eagles
Won/Loss Records By Decades

2000 58 18-40 .310
2010 102 42-60 .412
2020 58 32-26 .552
TOTALS 218 92-126 .422







Layton Christian Eagles
Won/Loss Records By Conferences

CONF   G   W-L-T   AVE.
Non-conf 113 48-65 .425
1A 52 20-32 .385
2A 32 15-17 .469
Playoff 21 9-12 .429
TOTALS 218 92-126 .422









Layton Christian Eagles Utah high school football scores

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Last Updated: 3/28/2025 4:26:10 PM